Buvez du Lait

Le photographe britannique Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz est connu pour ses travaux photographiques basés sur le ralenti et les instantanés de précision, comme ces projections de lait.

London based photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz is known for taking high speed photography to the extreme. His latest endeavor involves nostalgia, naked girls and some incredibly well executed high speed photographs of milk. The project aims at creating a pin up calendar inspired by the popular pinup calendars of the 40’s and 50’s. Only instead of clothing, the models are wearing milk. Milk frozen with high speed strobes. While none of the milk is illustrated, it is created from layering splashes from hundreds of individual photographs. Each taken with (real) milk splashed across (real) bodies.

Shared from http://www.diyphotography.net/milky-pin-ups-are-traditional-40s-pinup-photos-made-high-speed-milk-nsfw

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